Well anyways though, Cornelius and Wuffalumpus have made themselves quite at home here. Me and Kevin have had few animal friends in our lifetime so we've tried as best we know how to make them feel comfortable. As you can see in the pictures below, we think they've quite enjoyed just "being with the boys," no offense to the fairer sex intended. It's a guy thing. As Cornelius related to me just barely, "It's nice to finally have guys around. Sarah's great but she just doesn't understand my innate desire to blow things up and eat unreasonable amounts of pizza." Me and Kevin have tried to provide as sympathetic an ear as possible.
He seemed pleased when he discovered a freshly cooked pizza. I believe his exact words were "Pizza, ginger ale? What are these blessed creations never before experienced?"
As we were watching TV together Cornelius got a little excited - "Weee! I just love watching TV while riding on my cheesemobile!"
We haven't touched Marcus' X-box for months but at Cornelius' insistence we finally pulled it out and he ended up playing several hours.
Kevin thinks Cornelius may be the snuggliest kangaroo... err dog, he has ever snuggled up with for a nap.
We're not quite sure if Wuffalumpus, our polar bear friend, is capable of speaking but he has certainly consumed prodigious amounts of pizza. In fact, we were just idly looking through pictures on Google of various sea creatures and he seemed quite excited when we showed him images of baby seals. He began smacking his lips and drooling. We're not quite sure, but we think he was disappointed we didn't have any of the real stuff on hand.
One of the pictures that seemed to get Wuffalumpus rather excited.

So it's been great having them around. We have tried multiple times to send them back to your place, but the wild little creatures keep coming back. Cornelius keeps saying something about sticking around for a few weeks, but at the rate they eat pizza and soda this could get expensive. Please come over and try to talk some sense into them.
You guys were totally corrupting my poor, innocent little animals. They'll probably never be the same again. Such a trying experience for everyone involved. I can't get your so-called "Wuffalumpus" to stop drooling, and Cornelius keeps trying to play the x-box in his sleep.