Monday, January 31, 2011
A Public Retraction
You see, you may remember that we had a discussion on baking. And I was quite adamant that cookies made with shortening could never be as delicious as cookies made with real butter. Then I had Derrall's cookies on Friday night when the EQ doorbell ditched us.
And this is the part where I admit that I was wrong. In fact, I may even request a copy of that recipe because, "boy oh boy" were they delicious. I suppose that on occasion, shortening cookies may equal, or, dare I say, trump butter ones.
The end.
PS: y'all should check out my blog.. it's in it's early stages, but I like it :) In Pursuit of Domestic Goddessness
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Chubby Bunny
The beginning--before Lindsay and I had to throw the towel in. |
Very cute both of you. |
The top two competitors. |
I'm pretty sure this one is my favorite, the dino-squirrel in action. |
Playing a strategy game that continues to haunt me. |
Apparently Kevin can fit an apple in his mouth. |
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Happy Birthday Derrall!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Why We Should have a "Celebrate Wearing Glasses" Day
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My Dad :) |
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My Arabic professor (and his wife, I think you get double points for that). |
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The Dad in Calvin and Hobbes (and only cool people read these comics). |
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Dilbert: Enough said. |
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Elton John: I don't really know much about him, but I do like "Candle in the Wind." |
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FDR: Woot! |
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John Lennon: Exceedingly cool. |
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My Mom (ignore my sister and her corn, although she wears glasses too). |
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Sarah Palin: She knows how to wear glasses. |
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Me: Of course, I had to appear on this list of cool people. I'm the one in the green skirt. |
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Bill Gates: If he isn't cool, who is? |
Monday, January 17, 2011
Volunteer Fireman Day
Kim blowing out the candles |
Birthday cake before we ate it |
Kevin and Scott |
Julie and Kim |
The whole dinner group |
Picture of everyone is fireman birthday hats |
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Calvin and Hobbes

So unless you can write titles that sound equally unintelligible, academia might not be for you. :)
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Maeser building

I am currently in my new favorite study spot and thought I would share it with you guys. Hopefully it is new exciting news for you, too, and I'm not just dumb for never knowing it existed until now. Someone in a group in one of my classes last semester told me about this spot and I finally came to it today. In the basement of the Maeser building is a room called the Honors Library. There are six tables with six chairs at each of them, four comfy leather chairs with footstools, and even three beanbag chairs. Even the carpet in here seems nicer. I am the only one studying in this room. It is amazing. I got enough homework done that I decided I would post about it on the blog before I have to leave my new found sanctuary. And now I do have to leave for class. Hopefully you guys can enjoy this lesser known spot, too.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Are there sock eating monsters?
a) I don't share socks with anyone else
b) I put all my dirty laundry in the basket at the end of each day
c) I wash all of my colored clothes together
d) I put all of my clothes away after they finish drying
Given those facts I ask where do the mates for all my mismatched socks go? I'm beginning to wonder if my laundry basket doesn't have small little sock eating monsters. I think they are probably cute little creatures perhaps a mix between teletubbies and gremlins, but extremely annoying.
So you might be wondering what socks did I decided to wear? Well I think the socks I finally found are the same color but one can never be too sure. If I see you staring at my socks at dinner group I might growl slightly and blame it on the sock eating monsters that live in my laundry basket.
Am I the only one that has these pesky little monsters?
Saturday, January 8, 2011
6 Word Memoirs
In one of my classes, we've been practicing different techniques that teachers can use to get to know their students. I ended up finding one I really like, called the six word memoir. The idea comes from the author, Ernest Hemingway, who believed that you could tell a story in six words. The memoirs can be silly or sincere-- you just write six-word phrases about yourself. This is Hemingway's-- "Brand new baby shoes. Never Worn." Here are some other memoirs I've seen that I like:
"It is very, very, very, complicated."
"I never got my Hogwarts letter."
"Finally learned "weird" is a compliment."
Pretty clever, huh? Anyway, they're fun to read. And once you start writing them, you'll find they can be addicting. If anyone wants to write their own and post them up here, it might be a fun way to learn more about our friends in the dinner group.
Here are some of mine:
*So happy in the warm sunshine.
*I was a skunk for Halloween.
*I frequently regret quitting piano lessons.
*Still coping with being an adult.
*I enjoy rhyming random words together.
*I have always been a stinker.
*I like dancing while washing dishes.
*Guilty Pleasure: I love Pat Benatar.
You probably feel like you know me pretty well now. Maybe too well. Can't wait to see what you guys come up with. Have a great weekend! Dinner group starts on Monday! I'm so excited!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Making the bed
Why You Shouldn't Try to Go Down Laundry Chutes: A Personal Experience
It appears that I am somehow expected to come up with brilliant and witty posts in the very near future, I hate to break it to everyone, but it is difficult for me to do anything that fits that criteria, much less anything that people as brilliant and witty as yourselves would find brilliant and witty...this leaves me in a hard spot. However, I would like to bring it to everyone's attention that I have just lost my $20 BPA-free BYU water bottle. I just discovered it this very minute. I was pondering what deep insights I might be able to bring to your attention, decided that I might be able to think better with a drink, reached down to my backpack and discovered that I left my water bottle in my last class. I'm not happy. Not happy.
With that little announcement out of the way I will continue. This morning as I was getting ready to come to school I was struggling to remember how to work the shower (someday soon I will have to blog about our shower and its ability to leave me feeling like a bamboozled maze rat every day of my life, it's a bad feeling, being bamboozled by your shower) and I thought back to all my other stupid moments and decided that I might as well share one, since I can’t think of anything really deep.
First off, I have to say that I blame it all on the "Carl" books. For those of you not fortunate enough to be acquainted with these books, they are books for very small children, all pictures and no words. The books are about a large black dog named Carl and a little kid. I was about 8 or 9 when we got a new Carl book that was about the dog babysitting the little kid. The book went through and showed all the fun and crazy things that the dog helped the little kid do; however, I was struck by one activity in particular. The dog let the baby slide down the laundry chute, which was constructed like a slide. I noted the overjoyed expression on the baby's face and thought with great delight of our laundry chute. I determined that I would slide down our laundry chute.
I hied my way to the bathroom and opened the cupboard that the laundry chute was inside, anticipating a fast, fun ride. I should mention that my younger sister was there watching me, she plays an important role later in the story. Sadly, due to some lack of cognitive development I did not think to observe the differences between our laundry chute and the one in the book. The chute in the book was a nice little wooden slide, our laundry chute was a hole cut in the floor that opened onto a shelf some five feet below in our basement laundry room. Well, I managed to get into the laundry chute till just my upper body was still above the floor. Then, to my horror, I discovered that I was stuck. My legs were dangling below the floor, and my upper-body was stuck above it. I tried to pull myself back out but my arms were too short to get much leverage, my darling little sister went down stairs and tried pulling my legs to get me the rest of the way down but that didn't work either and I just got more stuck. So there I was. I began to think I was never going to get out—I was going to be stuck in the laundry chute forever—so I began to cry and call for my Mom.
I still don't know how my Mom managed to not die laughing when she found me stuck in the laundry chute, but I don't remember a single chuckle escaping her. She pulled me out of the laundry chute, set me on my feet, and asked me what I was doing. Between sniffs I told her the obvious, "I was trying to go down the laundry chute and got stuck."
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Cereal is not as tasty as dinner group...
Also I mentioned a few days back I'm interested in creating a book group. I'm mainly interested in books by C.S. Lewis but am open to other ideas. A few of us mentioned we might start with a book or two from the Chronicles of Narnia. We will have to talk it over in dinner group if people are interested.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Cats are great pets - delicious even