Monday, January 31, 2011

A Public Retraction

I like to be right. I pride myself on being right a lot. I'd like to claim that it's all genetic (I can only remember my father being completely wrong twice in my entire life) but really, I just like it. That being said, when I am wrong, I like to think that I'm a big enough person to admit it.

You see, you may remember that we had a discussion on baking. And I was quite adamant that cookies made with shortening could never be as delicious as cookies made with real butter. Then I had Derrall's cookies on Friday night when the EQ doorbell ditched us.

And this is the part where I admit that I was wrong. In fact, I may even request a copy of that recipe because, "boy oh boy" were they delicious. I suppose that on occasion, shortening cookies may equal, or, dare I say, trump butter ones.

The end.

PS:  y'all should check out my blog.. it's in it's early stages, but I like it :) In Pursuit of Domestic Goddessness


  1. Those were Derrall's cookies? DAAANNG... Emily (my roommate) and I were wondering who made them all weekend. They were so good. MMM... just thinking about them makes me happy. Way to go, Derrall!

  2. Yea who knew shortening could taste so good in cookies?

  3. Hey thanks Emily! I am glad you liked my cookies. They are one of my specialties. I've had the shortening vs butter discussion with many people and it can really be a sensitive topic. I am impressed that you willingly admitted that cookies made with shortening can be pretty darn good. Props to you!! I am more than happy to share the recipe if you so desire.
