While at dinner group tonight I am afraid that some people may have gotten the impression that I think glasses are less cool than contacts. I don't think that, and I'm pretty sure people who wear glasses are incredibly amazing. To prove this I went in search of important people that wore/wear glasses (instead of doing my Arabic homework). Here are a few of my findings.
My Dad :) |
My Arabic professor (and his wife, I think you get double points for that). |
The Dad in Calvin and Hobbes (and only cool people read these comics). |
Dilbert: Enough said. |
Elton John: I don't really know much about him, but I do like "Candle in the Wind." |
FDR: Woot! |
John Lennon: Exceedingly cool. |
My Mom (ignore my sister and her corn, although she wears glasses too). |
Sarah Palin: She knows how to wear glasses. |
Me: Of course, I had to appear on this list of cool people. I'm the one in the green skirt. |
Bill Gates: If he isn't cool, who is? |
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My favorite stuffed animal that I have had since I was born, Cornelius, yes, he is named after the elephant doctor from Babar (see the above picture).
Well folks following that parade of extremely cool people that wear glasses I hope any confusion about my stance on glasses has been cleared-up. Maybe we should have a "celebrate wearing glasses day" and have chocolate cake and party hats and make the people who don't wear glasses sing to the people who do. |
I see your Arabic professor in the weight room all the time!
ReplyDeleteSo in the "hypothetical" situation that your stuffed bunny, Cornelius, was kidnapped what type of ransom... err reward would there be for the noble soul who returned your cute little bunny? Muffins? Cupcakes?
ReplyDeleteI can assure you the question is purely academic. I'm just saying there are a lot of sketchy people out there and one can never be too careful... I mean just a few weeks ago someone stole Lindsay's stuffed duck! Fortunately I used my detective skills and found the scoundrel who stole the duck! Don't worry I got your rabbit's back if anything happens to him... (So muffins?)
Sarah, I'm liking the party idea. But whatever you do, keep Kevin as far away from that bunny as you can or you might never see him again...
ReplyDeleteSarah I can assure you I had nothing to do with the disappearance of Lindsay's duck! Any evidence links me to the disappearance of that cute little ducky is purely circumstantial.
ReplyDeleteI don't want to make trouble but ummm last time I checked Lynda, Kim, and Julie were the ones who stole a certain tiger from Josh last semester. So from the purely factual evidence I think those three are the real troublemakers you need to keep an eye on.
Circumstantial? I have hard photo evidence working against you, Buster. Sarah, I'm telling you, if Kevin (or Scott, for that matter) come close to your bunny, the next time you see him, he'll be cooking up in the frying pan and it will be too late.
ReplyDeleteWell Kevin...I'm afraid Lindsay kinda has me convinced. I'm afraid we need to work on building our relationship of trust (I had never heard of that until I heard you guys talking about it). I also think it was unkind that you checked to see if he fit in the oven.
ReplyDeleteDerrall--I believe it, that man is incredible. He dragged us around the Middle East and never seemed to get tired even when we all wanted to drop.
Sarah I just want you to know that I have had a change a mind about letting Kevin and Scott see your cute little dog (not bunny). All those things I said about Kevin stealing my ducky were purely fictions. Clearly someone as kind and compassionate as Kevin would never dream of stealing, much less cooking, my cute little stuffed ducky. As I reflect upon things more I dare say Kevin might be the best, kindest, and most charitable person I have ever met. Clearly any stuffed animal you had would be safe around him and obviously it would be contrary to his nature to hold a stuffed animal ransom for food products such as muffins and cupcakes. Anyway just wanted to set the record straight.
ReplyDeleteLindsay it warms the heart to see you coming around to your senses. Honestly with all that vicious slander and libel going on I was beginning to wonder about our friendship. Why the change of heart?
ReplyDeleteWell I just came to the realization that spreading vicious lies is not earning me brownie points in heaven. You know what I mean? Anyway figured best to set the record straight...
ReplyDeleteIt's kind of weird Kevin, the way Lindsay suddenly started writing like you, and that she somehow knew that it was a dog, not a bunny, when only you were privy to that information. I'm thinking Lindsay isn't going to love you for hacking into her account. :)
ReplyDeleteBut of course I don't think you would ever do anything like steal my dog and hold him for ransom. That could throw a real wrench in our friendship, eh?
Hack into her account? Of all the ridiculous things to suggest! I actually don't know how I would hack into her account (Seriously, plus that can be criminally prosecutable. Even if you know how to hack into an account it is usually a really bad idea.) I am more than ready to take an oath that I have not logged into Lindsaay's account.
ReplyDeleteI'm just happy that Lindsay came to her senses. :)
Ok, how did you do that?... Kev, you're a bigger stinker than I gave you credit for. You're good. You're very good...
ReplyDeleteI have a confession to make. Lindsay, I'm not as good as you are! ;) I'll never mess with you again.