Saturday, January 8, 2011

6 Word Memoirs

In one of my classes, we've been practicing different techniques that teachers can use to get to know their students. I ended up finding one I really like, called the six word memoir. The idea comes from the author, Ernest Hemingway, who believed that you could tell a story in six words. The memoirs can be silly or sincere-- you just write six-word phrases about yourself. This is Hemingway's-- "Brand new baby shoes. Never Worn." Here are some other memoirs I've seen that I like:

"It is very, very, very, complicated."

"I never got my Hogwarts letter."

"Finally learned "weird" is a compliment."

Pretty clever, huh? Anyway, they're fun to read. And once you start writing them, you'll find they can be addicting. If anyone wants to write their own and post them up here, it might be a fun way to learn more about our friends in the dinner group.

Here are some of mine:

*So happy in the warm sunshine.

*I was a skunk for Halloween.

*I frequently regret quitting piano lessons.

*Still coping with being an adult.

*I enjoy rhyming random words together.

*I have always been a stinker.

*I like dancing while washing dishes.

*Guilty Pleasure: I love Pat Benatar.

You probably feel like you know me pretty well now. Maybe too well. Can't wait to see what you guys come up with. Have a great weekend! Dinner group starts on Monday! I'm so excited!

1 comment:

  1. OOH, Lindsay! I like this idea! Let me see...

    ~My goal was domestic goddess; check.

    ~My '85 Volvo: a rock star.

    ~I got into BYU, what next?

    ~Never should have kissed that boy...

    ~Missing the ocean and green hills.

    ~Hate being the damsel in distress.

    And now you know too much about me too. :)
